
LITEON Unveils New EV Fast Charger - The EV Report

LITEON Technology and its subsidiary, Power Innovations International (Pii), have introduced their newest offering: a Level 3 Electric Vehicle (EV) DC fast charger. Designed for seamless integration with the existing electrical system, this charger accommodates multi-voltage inputs, streamlining the installation process and mitigating extra costs.

The addition of this Level 3 DC fast charger further solidifies LITEON’s position at the forefront of power technology. Their new product not only aligns with the ongoing global push for green energy solutions but also addresses the rising demand for efficient EV charging infrastructure. By avoiding the need for infrastructure overhaul, LITEON makes it easier and more affordable for facilities to adopt advanced EV charging solutions. Ev Charger Plug

LITEON Unveils New EV Fast Charger - The EV Report

LITEON, with Power Innovations International (Pii), is paving the way for advanced, user-friendly, and efficient EV charging solutions, suitable for various applications, from public infrastructure to commercial ventures. This move is not only a testament to LITEON and Pii’s innovation but also a significant stride towards a sustainable, electrified future.

The EV Report is a digital platform dedicated to the global electric vehicle industry. It is a product of Hagman Media Group, and its mission is to inform, engage, and connect industry professionals and EV enthusiasts with relevant news and insights.

LITEON Unveils New EV Fast Charger - The EV Report

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